Monday, March 23, 2009

It takes a writer...

This is by far the best explanation of how I am. It is written by author Anne Lamott, in her book Bird by Bird.

"quieting these voices is at least half the battle I fight daily. But this is better than it used to be. It used to be 87 percent. Left to its own devices, my mind spends much of its time having conversations with people who aren't there. I walk along defending myself to people, or exchanging repartee with them, or rationalizing my behavior, or seducing them with gossip, or pretending I'm on their TV talk show or whatever. I speed or run an aging yellow light or don't come to a full stop, and one nanosecond later am explaining to imaginary cops exactly why I had to do what I did, or insisting that I did not in fact do it."

Working on a new blog. Until then, cheers.

1 comment:

vC said...

I love this book by Anne Lamott. She's brilliant, and full of terrific advice for any writer.