Thursday, December 20, 2007

Adios 2007

Most of my friends are already writing blogs about the year that has yet to pass. I just finished reading the ex's one. It was cute. He insipred me to write mine.

2007 was the year where I got my groove, lost it, and then gained it back. This year I learned a lot about myself, and about different situations that I've been. This year, I learned that the butterflies that lie within my stomach are just sleeping untill I meet someone new, and not dead as I had previously believed. This was the year that I gained a lot of new friends. This was the year that no matter how painful situations may be, I will get through them. This was the year which showed me that letting go is the easiest and hardest thing to do.

I'm happy that I made it here. I'm happy of how I arrived here. But above all, I'm excited about 2008. I'm excited about using the lessons that I learned in the new year.

Good Night.
Good Luck.

Thursday, November 22, 2007

A Sloppy Drunk

Funny. Honest. Too honest. Loyal. Sensitive. These are words that people have used to describe me. Today, at the Thanks Giving table someone used a different one. We were talking about how we all met each other. During the conversation it came out that people usually don't like me when they first meet me. A fact, I've come to terms with. I think, for the most part, that people just don't get me. I'm too honest. I'm too opinionated. I'm too much of an immigrant. The problem is that I don't really have an accent, and luckily my English is good enough so that people don't questions the fact that I've only been in this country for seven years. However, as it turns out, people, usually friends of friends who I meet while going out, don't like me because I'm a sloppy dunk.

That is a new one. At least this has been the first time that someone has said it to my face. That's the thing about American culture. Everyone is just so fucking polite they are afraid to offend you with the truth. Ultimately, the truth is what we need to hear. The truth breeds change. That little hurting feeling I had inside meant that I need to change something about my behavior.

It's true. I drink too much. Sometimes my liver hurts. But that is not cute. I've posted many blogs about this same fact on my old blog. So this blog is going to be mainly about me copping with the fact that I might be an alcoholic (not ready for step one yet), or that I am what people call a party boy. Perhaps a combination of both. However, I don't like it. I need to change. I've been lucky to never have gotten in fights, never broken any bones, never been raped or robbed.

So this year, the year when I drank more than I could handle, this is the year when I get my shit together. And that is what I want to be thankful for: my friends who have always been there for me, through thick and thin, through sober and drunk.